Interest in diffuse scattering analysis and three-dimensional difference pair distribution function (3D-ΔPDF) analysis has significantly increased in recent years, owing to the ability to utilize data from in-house laboratory instruments for analysis. However, data treatment and the initial stages of model building remain challenging. Therefore, the organizers are offering this workshop to assist participants in initiating data treatment and diffuse scattering analysis.
The workshop will feature lectures by prominent figures in 3D-ΔPDF analysis from Europe and experienced users. Participants will benefit from a combination of lectures and practical sessions, where they will become familiar with a complete data processing workflow—from raw diffraction data to diffuse scattering refinement—using the programs Yell and Discus on their own laptops.
to be announced
Ella Schmidt - University of Bremen
Arkadiy Simonov - ETH Zrürich
Reinhard Neder - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Anna Hoser - University of Warsaw